Elizabeth Pulford

Miscellaneous Works

Children's Stories
A Donkey's Revenge NZ Radio - 2011
The Whale Child Kiwi Kapers - Auckland Symphonic - 2006
The Whale Child School Journal - Learning Media - 2005
Paul and the Pukekos School Journal - Learning Media - 2005
Finding my Hero Cricket Magazine - USA - 2004
Fiona and the Brussels Sprouts Explore Magazine - Australia - 1999
My Secret Track Correspondence School - 1999
My Secret Track School Journal - 1994
My Secret Track Learning Media audio tape - 1994
The Dragon who lived in the Fridge Kiwikids Magazine - 1991
The Little Oyster Catcher Kiwikids Magazine - 1990
Sean's Secret EARS National Radio - 1990
The Great Campout EARS National Radio - 1990
Growing Pains Christchurch Star Newspaper - 1988
The Great Campout Christchurch Star Newspaper - 1987
Children's Poems
Sun Sonata School Journal - 2010
Rain Game School Journal - Learning Media - 2009
Haunting School Journal - Learning Media - 2008
Fred School Journal - Learning Media - 2007
Fred Junior Journal - CD - 2007
The Wind Hound Junior Journal - CD - 2006
The Wind Hound Junior Journal - Learning Media - 2005
The Wind Woman Explore Magazine - Australia - 2002
Children's Articles
The Strange Sea Journey Explore Magazine - Australia - 2002
Fishing for a House Learning Media - 1998
Fishing for a House School Journal - 1998
My Special Father School Journal - 1994
Extra Children's Activities
Mentor in NZ Society of Author's Youth Mentoring programme - 2011
Participant Storylines Festival Dunedin 2011 - 2012 - 2016
Workshops - Port Chalmers School - 2011
Speaker - Otago Boys' High School - Book Group - 2011
Speaker - Oamaru Library - NZ Book Month -Children & Adult - 2011
Guest Participant Storylines Festival - Auckland - Storybus - Workshop -Family Day - 2009
Awarded Writer's Retreat - Lake Ohau - two weeks - 2007
Role Model - Duffy Books in Homes - Assemblies
Participant Storylines Festival - Storybus - Auckland
Tutor - Nestle Write Around NZ - Wellington - Central Otago - Nelson
Participant NZ Book Council's Writers in Schools
Guest Speaker - Owen Marshall Aoraki Polytech Class - Timaru
Tutor - Dunedin Workshops for Children
$12,000 grant given to write a YA novel